Meet Author d. Nichole King

I’d like to begin by thanking Apryl Baker for all of her hard and dedicated work in putting on this annual event. Tons of behind the scenes organization goes into an event like this, and Apryl happily volunteers her time and talents to make it happen. So thank you, Apryl. It is greatly appreciated.

Now I’d love to tell you about my New Adult contemporary series, “Love Always.” Er, maybe “tell” isn’t the right word, because I need your help. Below I’ve created a quiz! I know what some of you are thinking, but don’t worry. I’m not grading you. In fact, it’s self-graded as all the answers are at the bottom. So come on and have some fun with me!


1. B  2.  A  3. C  4.  C  5.  A  6.  D  7.  C  8.  D  9.  D 10.  A

Love Always, Kate:
Love Always, Damian:
Eight Days: A Love Always Novella:

Born and raised in Iowa, d. Nichole King writes her stories close to home. There’s nothing like small-town Midwest scenery to create the perfect backdrop for an amazing tale.

She wrote her first book in junior high and loved every second of it. However, she couldn’t bring herself to share her passion with anyone. She packed it away until one day, with the encouragement of her husband, she sat down at the computer and began to type. Now, she can’t stop.

When not writing, d. is usually curled up with a book, scrapbooking, or doing yet another load of laundry.

Along with her incredible husband, she lives in small-town Iowa with her four adorable children and their dog, Peaches.

Check out the other authors in the blogfest!!! 

Apryl Baker

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